Friday, May 30, 2008

Feist: How my heart behaves

I love how moody and beautiful this song is- it really captures well the quiescence of night time especially the wee hours...

this clip has that gorgeous texture you can only get in live performances...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Butterfly Lovers

This is one of The Most Exquisite Musical Compositions ever...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Snow Patrol: Eyes Open

This is probably my favourite song on this album...


But then I also like this one...the song that is.


this one's not bad either...LOL


Wow, is that the first time I've put up a song that had more than a million hits?

hmmm I need to work out how to put some of the unknown stuff I like up on day: it just seems sad to put up a song without accompanying visuals...I should try and dig into my skeleton closet for long lost Final cut pro/video editing skills in the interest of promoting good music...but sheesh even back then when I had the luxury of time and the obligation of submitting something to get my degree, I still didn't even have the patience for the time consuming, anal task that is multimedia production...

So for some ideas on some really cool but little known Aussie musos check out
rufusrecords - I particularly like the contemporary Jazz musicians on this label. Currently listening to Aussie stuff from a while back...Not Drowning Waving, Paul Grabowsky, Bernie McGann, The Catholics, Clarion Fracture Zone etc...

Friday, May 16, 2008

George: Still Real

Managed to catch an awesome GEORGE live from the Opera House feature on MAX? pay tv music channel at the gym...hopefully someone recorded it and can post it on youtube...

George are an Aussie band(from Brisbane) with the angelic voice of Katie Noonan...for more visit here. This song "Still Real" is from their 2004 album UNITY.

Gosh I long for retirement where I can have a house like that "among the gum trees with a verandah out the back and verandah out the front" and who can forget the "old rocking chair!" - too bad if you don't know that song LOL...gosh I miss clean air, wide open space!! That's why I love regional Australia!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Beggars Banquet

Just a quickie cos REALLY I should be studying ;)

I first knew this label as the GO-BETWEENS probably Biggest & Youngest Fan LOL.

In any case since then they popped up noticeably again when I discovered I love THE NATIONAL.

Been listening to other artists they have released and I must say they still have consistently GREAT stuff!!!

In lieu of not posting a favourite song link and not having enough time to trawl through everything yet please go investigate the goodies for yourself at their website and their youtube channel. Cheers :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

is my taste too obscure? :-P

Sheesh, I haven't posted anything interesting music wise for aaaages! I feel kinda guilty about this...

It's not cos I can't think of anything, it's cos 75% of my favourite songs I can't find on youtube or anywhere else: either they are too unknown or too...historical and unknown...

Hence for favourite world artist- Youssou N'Dour- the only old stuff you can find of his on youtube seem to be the big English language hits he had with Neneh Cherry and Peter Gabriel...definitely nothing close to his best stuff!

In any case if you're in Europe I suggest you just go see him perform LIVE- along with Angelique Kidjo, he is AWESOME Live: a real mover and shaker too ;) Both these performers just ooze charisma - Youssou N'dour is the epitome of COOL-FUNKY-GROOVY in one person- it's amazing that I've managed to catch both artists here in Oz LIVE cos we don't often get big world music acts here- it's not a particularly popular or known genre here.

I did manage to find one good quality youtube video I can find from the golden era of his music...Please enjoy his amazing voice in Immigrés/Bitim Rew....for more info you can visit his site. Cheers :)