Sunday, August 16, 2009

U2/Sometimes you can't make it on your own

This has got to be one of the most beautiful U2 songs...

it seems especially pertinent when all your closest people are at a distance...

On the practical-material front I have so much great support and contacts with which I defintely could not succeed or thrive without... however it is in terms of not having those deep mental-emotional resonances, connections and bonds readily at hand in the tangible world, it can sometimes feel...tough.

It is so easy to anchor in practical materialism or "comfort" people but to be able to feel truly grounded it has to come from that place we often get too busy to remember to connect with, deep within. I find being in nature is a good prompt to get back to that elusive place...for me it's almost like a magical door that appears transiently, then disappears...but I usually find I'm the one that can make it appear if I try hard enough.

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