Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tom Tuena/Walking Your Way

Well folks...cos it's Sunday and I'm wondering whether I can get myself out of bed to church, I thoughtI'd put up some praise & worship in the form of talented muso Tom Tuena who I was lucky to see for free by accident while I was travelling back in Jan.

Apart from Sufjan Stevens, not aware of any young musos in this generation that are openly Christian...and SO IN TOUCH WITH GOD! Anyway it was a great energy to be present for and was very inspiring for me on my own walk with God :)

So here is Tom with his original song that oozes faith and a living relationship with God...this version is from last October- it was a much better rendition by the time I saw it in Jan...or maybe cos Live is always eons better than crappy youtube recordings, lol.


1 comment:

HappyOrganist said...

That is so different from the style of Sunday music I listen to (which actually now that I think about it - I usually stick to normal 80's on Sunday. but don't tell nobody).
The closest thing I can think of that you might like (but you might not) is Cody's friend's music. WalkTheNarrowRoad. That's the closest I can think of recommending. He is not LDS, in case you wonder. But he is very Christian (and pretty talented). He's a graphic design artist.
Catcha later ^^